Welcome to Torrid Technologies
RetirementView Software
[2023 Ready Now!]
“Keep It Simple” Retirement Planning for Everyone – Runs on Windows or Mac – “Fill-in-the-blanks” simple! Updated with new SECURE Act changes for Required Minimum Distribution calculations.
Learn more about: Personal, Couples, or Professional Edition
QUICK. SIMPLE. VISUAL. Retirement Planning
For individuals and couples: “Do-it-yourself Retirement Planning.”
For financial advisors: “No more headaches from complicated software.”
So easy anyone can understand it, even if you aren’t that good with a computer. In less than 15 minutes, you can punch in basic data and have Retirement View generating meaningful and accurate retirement savings projections. Even more important, the easy-to-read charts display in “red” any projected shortfall. It’s also comprehensive. Unlimited investments. Unlimited cash infusions and income streams. Unlimited Expenses.
Great for: Individuals, Employees, 401(k) Plan participants, Financial Advisors, Insurance Agents, Brokers, Certified Financial planners, CPAs, Employee Benefits consultants, TPAs, Plan Sponsors, 401(k) Enrollment Meetings, 401k Education, 403b education, IRA savings, Financial Advisers, Registered Representatives.
Advisors and Agents: if you sell annuities, wealth management, long term care insurance, life insurance, or any other related financial product, you need to use RetirementView to boost your efficiency, your effectiveness and to make your meetings more interesting than ever before. Say goodbye to “eyes glazed over” syndrome.