No More Couch Potato!

Exercise pumps happiness into the brain!

If you feel like your life is like a treadmill and nobody really cares, you need to do something. Get yourself back on the right track with physical movement (exercise), even if you don’t want to.

Scientists say feeling bad is linked to low levels of neurotransmitters in the brain. Low levels of norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin contribute to feelings of sadness, loss of interest in normal activities, tiredness, anxiety, and difficulty thinking.One way antidepressants work is by increasing the levels of these brain chemicals. But exercise does the same thing. It works your heart and releases feel-better chemicals in the brain, and can normalize their levels.

Some depressed feelings could be caused by reduced blood circulation in the brain. Exercise can improve that circulation as well. Working out, whether on exercise equipment, walking, or doing yard work, also decreases levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

In another discovery, scientists have found that exercise not only works against stress at the brain level, but in the muscles as well.

In addition to biological effects, exercise has positive emotional and social effects.

* It helps you get the mental tools you need to cope with life and gain confidence.

* Focusing on exercise gets you away from negative thoughts and worries.

* Physical activity may bring you more social interaction. Just exchanging a smile while you walk in the neighborhood can help your mood.

* You will cope in a healthy way. It’s something positive you can do to manage anxiety or depression.

Even short one-time bouts of exercise will elevate your mood for a time.

Some of us here at Torrid would like to recommend our favorite “get up and move” apps:

Couch To 5K– Are you a couch potato, want to start jogging/running? Maybe even set a goal for a 5k. This app will get you there a little at a time.

Fitness Pal– Helps you track your calories and exercise.

Endmondo– Multipurpose app to get you moving and keeping track of your fitness.


Retirement Calculator Paints Clearer Picture For People Looking To Retire Says Torrid Technologies

Miji Pearse, a spokesperson for the company Torrid Technologies, Inc., announced that their proprietary Retirement Calculator can help to paint a clearer picture for people that are thinking about retiring.

She said that too many people take a decision to retire, and then later regret the timing of that decision. She added that the reason for this is because they don’t consider the right factors. Torrid Technologies, Inc. said that the number one priority for people to consider is “when” they take their Social Security. Taking it too early could leave them in a financial shambles.

The company explains it with the following example, “Taking it early at 62 can reduce your benefits by thousands of dollars over your lifetime and that of your spouse. For each year that you delay taking Social Security you will receive 7 to 8% higher benefits. If one spouse dies, the other spouse can continue the higher benefit. Thus, extending the lifetime benefit of delaying taking Social Security.” Another factor to consider is the likelihood of being able to delay retirement. If a person owns their own business, there shouldn’t be any problem, as long as they stay in good health. However, if the company they work for has a mandatory retirement age, the employee has no final say in the matter, regardless of how healthy they are. Miji added that with people living past the age of 90 these days, there is a higher need to retire closer to the age of 70 then 60 in order to continue living a lifestyle they’re accustomed to.

Tim Turner, attorney and founder of Torrid Technologies says, “Determining the best age to retire requires analyzing many factors including healthcare, expenses, defined benefits like Social Security and Pensions, investment management, annuities, where you will live, longevity, inflation, and many other factors. When to retire is a big decision not to be made lightly.” Tim Turner explains that this is the reason why basic planning is critical for people to build their retirement. He said that a lot of people rely on hope, which is not a strategy. Instead, by having a good understanding of their retirement picture and knowing what they will need in order to make it possible is a better approach.

Torrid Technologies, Inc. said that their Retirement Calculator is a good tool to help people get a clearer picture. It does this by taking into account the income from Social Security, defined benefits, pensions, other cash infusions, and unlimited investments that are tax-deferred and taxable. They added that the retirement calculator can be used for people who are planning for their retirement and those who are already retired.

For over 20 years Torrid Technologies, Inc. has been providing easy to use financial planning software for websites, consumers, financial advisors as well as companies that need custom web calculators to showcase on their sites. Those who are interested in finding out more about the Retirement Calculator from Torrid Technologies are encouraged to visit the company’s website.

Leaving Money on the Table?

According to Financial Engines, an average of  $42,885 is left in the table over a 20 year period in many worker’s career path. The average number of workers who don’t max out 401k matching was:

42% -earning under $40,000.

10%- earning over $100,000.

30% of younger workers

16% Older savers

Company matching is basically free money. You should always max out this benefit if possible!

Let RetirementView Software help you make wise choices in your retirement planning at any age.


Are You Killing Your Retirement?

There are some choices you might be making that could be detrimental to your retirement planning and saving. It’s always a good time to reevaluate where you stand and it’s never to late to make adjustments. offers this list of 9 things you might be doing to kill your retirement.

Are you making any of these mistakes?

Are you 28% or 12% sure?

The Employment Benefit Research Institute has just released their 2015 report.
Some notable statistics stated in their brief include the following:
  • The percentage of workers confident about having enough money for a comfortable retirement, increased in 2015.
    • 22% are now very confident
    • 36% are somewhat confident
    • 24% are not at all confident
  • The increased confidence since 2013 is strongly related to retirement plan participation.
    • Among those with a plan, the percentage very confident increased from 14% in 2013 to 28% in 2015.
    • The percentage very confident remained statistically unchanged among those without a plan (10% in 2013, 9% in 2014, and 12% in 2015).

We at Torrid Technologies would love to help you become one of the 28% of folks confident in their retirement savings. Check out our resources at

Read the full report at

Inflationary Effects on Seniors

The Inflation rate, as felt by seniors, is greater than that of the population at large. Why?

Healthcare! Mark Miller writes: “Healthcare accounts for 13% of expenditures by Americans over age 65,compared with 5% for all other age groups, according to the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College.”

While monthly premiums haven’t changed over the last few years, predictions are that they will rise anywhere from 1.5% – 6% over the next 10 years. Of course, the experts disagree over what these increases will be. J.P. Morgan Asset Management advises that the average payment for Part B, Part D, Medigap supplemental coverage, out-of-pocket expenses, vision and dental services will rise at an annual rate of 6.1% over the next 20 years. making this cost rise from a current average of $4,400 to $17,000. It should be noted that there is, included in this forecast, a hefty “bump for uncertainties”.


The 9-Word Rule

You see the Jones family with a new car, a boat in the yard with a fancy new truck to pull it. They might have the dough to afford this or, just as likely, you might be seeing everything they have parked in the driveway.

Morgan Housel of the investing website, The Motley Fool (, says real wealth is the things you don’t see because money buys things but wealth buys freedom.

“There are 56,956 personal finance books on,” Housel writes on his Website. “They contain 3 billion words. This seems absurd, because 99 percent of personal finance can be summarized in nine words:

“Work a lot, spend a little, invest the difference.”

Investing for wealth instead of buying cars requires putting your paycheck above your ego. You can’t care what other people think.

Housel advises reading about people who have gone bankrupt. Singer Rhianna had $10 million in the bank in the beginning of 2009 but found herself “effectively bankrupt” at the end of 2009. She blamed her accountant for poor advice and won a lawsuit against him. On the other hand, it is also a cautionary tale for paying attention to your business. The singer lost money on a tour, but she also left the tour to make a movie. In 2009, she bought a $7 million house. Somehow, she did discover before purchase that the house was loaded with mold and rot, and lost $2 million at sale. Today, she is evidently doing things differently since her net worth is now calculated at $43 million.

“You can’t be oblivious to disaster or bad decisions or your financial situation”, says Housel. “Instead be unemotional. Stay calm and be prepared. Do your homework.”

Interestingly, Housel writes that patience and inaction are the best for investing.

Finally, don’t worry if someone gets rich on some scheme, if you stay patient, vigilant and follow the nine-word rule, you should be fine.

A point to remember: According to World Bank economist Branko Milanovic,”The poorest 5% of North Americans are better off than more than two-thirds of the world population. It’s all perspective!


$42K for free? What’s the Catch?

Or as Mark Miller asks in his article– What’s the match?

According to Financial Engines, an average of  $42,885 is left in the table due to not contributing enough to take the full match employers have to offer.  Over a 20 year period, the average number of workers who don’t max out 401k matching broke down as follows:

42% of participants earning under $40,000.

10% of participants earning over $100,000.

30% of younger workers

16% Older savers

Let RetirementView Software help you make wise choices for your Retirement.

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Summer Safety in the Great Outdoors

For summer boating fun and safety, take along the most important device you’ll never need:  Your PLB (Personal Location Beacon)… or at least you hope you’ll never need.  In 2014, about 240 people did need one and, because they had one, they were saved.

Imagine a lovely afternoon sailing a catamaran off the Florida coast when the sky starts to darken. Just about then the wind kicks up, now you can’t see land. The wind and waves blast the boat and  your mast snaps. With a PLB device, you could be rescued.

The PLB is not just for boating either. You could plan a lovely hike on a lonely trail in the wilderness. If you fall into ravine and break your leg, only the PLB can give you that last-hope chance of rescue.

Personal Locator Beacons are high-powered devices that send emergency distress signals. They transmit a distress signal at 406 mhz, which is monitored by NOAA – the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Air Force Rescue Coordination Center.

Once a signal is received, satellites fix the location and relay the coordinates to rescuers.

The best PLBs are equipped with GPS, according to  With GPS, rescuers can fix on your location within a 100 meters. Look for a PLB with some kind of signal device built in, such as an LED light.

Each PLB device should be registered with NOAA.  That way, if an emergency ever occurs, your medical information is available as well as your identity.

There are many kinds of PLBs, designed for use in water and hiking, and they range in cost from $150 up to $500 and more. That might seem little salty for a device designed to be activated once — if at all.  But if you need help, this is technology that, for the first time in the history of mankind, can bring help in the wilderness.

Who’s Up For A Disney Cruise?


What does that name mean to you? Mickey Mouse?  Trips to Disney World?   Animated films?  I could write a long list of Disney characters, themes, and movies, but I wanted to share with you another aspect of Disney – some of the business lessons you can learn from Disney.  First, Disney is known for its great attention to small details.  It is reported that even Walt himself would pick up a piece of trash if he noticed it in one of the parks.  Having been to the Magic Kingdom and the Animal Kingdom in Orlando, I can certainly vouch for how clean the place is.  Now the crowds that’s another matter.

I was blessed to take my wife and two youngest boys on a Disney Cruise this past Spring Break.  The cruise line continues Disney’s reputation for handling small details and having great customer service.  We had been on a Disney Cruise before but this time I noticed some of the signs on the ship.  I have included pictures of a couple below.  These could be very generic “Hamburger Grill” like signs. But notice they incorporate their branding.  They incorporate a character.  They make a dumb old sign look almost fun.

Do you ever think “luxury” when you think of Disney?  We didn’t splurge on a fancy room, but we did sign up to use what they call the “Rainforest Room” in the spa.  You can go there and use the sauna, steam room, and various Rainforest showers.  You then can relax on hot stone lounges while looking out at the ocean by two hot tubs.  They claimed they only sold approximately 37 of these, which I found  hard to believe until we were actually there and rarely saw anyone using it.  In business, this package is called an “upsell”-something additional you can offer already captive customers.

Another upsell occurs if you want to dine in the fancy “Pollo’s” Italian restaurant.  You have to pay an extra fee to do that, and once there you are offered additional upsells of wine as well as an optional tasting menu. The food at the restaurant was pretty incredible considering we were on a cruise ship!

The cruise line stops at Disney’s own private island called “Castaway Cay” off the Bahamas.  You can take snorkeling trips, enjoy the beach, and generally relax along with 5000 of your closest friends from the ship.  Since our teenage boys were in their own group, my wife and I headed for the “grown-ups beach” where you can totally relax without any of the crowds.  The people working the ship and the island were all so friendly, prompt, and eager to please, including my new best friend – Jack Sparrow.

We did have a snafu with our snorkeling trip.  We were scheduled to go snorkeling in the morning so we could relax for the rest of the day, but our trip time was cancelled.  They rebooked us for the afternoon but it just turned our day upside down.  Due of the new order of things and we lost an extra hour at the beach.  However, the Disney people knew of the trouble this had caused and sent a package of snacks and a bottle of wine to our room because of the inconvenience it caused us.

I could write a much longer piece about Disney, but for now I just wanted to share a few nuggets. 

  • In your business, pay attention to the details. Have your people do the same. Offer luxury upgrades and upsells when you can.
  • Incorporate your branding in fun and creative ways.
  • And if you ever have a “client snafu” consider a small note or gift to make up for it.

By Tim Turner- CEO of Torrid Technologies

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