2017 – Lots of Enhancements!

When the 2017 version is fully live you will see a significant number of enhancements – maybe not initially because we still want you to “see green” and “get the red out”. But there are lots of things you’ve asked for and now they’re here! Many of these enhancements are things you have brought to our attention, requested, hoped and prayed for – we aim to please, so here’s hoping your request made the initial list.

Here’s a list of (most of) the 2017 Updates:

For ALL Editions:

  • Basic 2017 branding changes.
  • Files can now be opened and edited on both MAC and PC computers.
  • Updated Help file with new 2017 tax tables and Social Security changes.
  • Updated Social Security algorithm and related data points to 2017 data for bend points, national average earnings, maximum creditable earnings, average wage index series, and cost of living adjustment.  Now using 20 year average of 2.13% for the COLA in the built-in estimate.  If you do not use the built-in estimate, make sure you consider using the 2.13% COLA under Settings – Social Security.
  • Major improvement in the printed report using professional design, alternate shading, and color.
  • Added clear note “After Taxes in Today’s Dollars” for the Retirement Income Goal.
  • Maximizing main window now has resizable buttons.
  • Maximizing main window now increases font size of the Spreadsheet for better readability.
  • Added “Simple” Spreadsheet that only has most important color columns. Use Ctrl-R to switch to it.
  • The executable file has been renamed from Planner.exe to RetirementView.exe so you can find it more easily in the list of Processes if you need to.
  • Added a built-in Print Preview screen for the printed reports.
  • Added a built-in PDF printing and saving option for the printed reports.
  • Changed old Most Recently Used file menu items to Open Recent menu.
  • You can now run the plan out to age 117 – the age of the oldest person in the world.  Good luck and good health!
  • If couples plan and one spouse still working, we now deduct Social Security Tax at 6.2% (Subject to the Max Earnings test) and Medicare Tax at 1.45% (thanks Peter Plant).
  • Updated EBRI.org retirement factoids that pop up if you click returns in unregistered demo mode.
  • Re-added the Backups routine that backs up data file changes in case you need to recover lost data.
  • Removed built-in AppUpdate since it failed on most computers. Now just point to online download pages.
  •  Fixed bug where spouse was already retired but the spouse tab was not disabling job income and other “Not Applicable” fields (thanks Nick Seltun).
  • Fixed bug where clicking on spouse Job Income field or Retirement Age field would call SetAlreadyRetired which would by mistake set the primary client Job Income to zero (thanks Nick Seltun).
  • Fixed bug in print out on Investments page where the blended return BEFORE retirement did not make any sense if it was a Couples plan and one spouse was already retired. The program would average a 0% return for the retired spouse since they had no “before” retirement period. We now just print “N/A” since that return does not make any sense when the retirement has already started (thanks Nick Seltun).
  • Fixes long time bug for “Invalid Type Mismatch” on the secondary grid controls on Investments, Cash Infusions, and Special Expenses.
  • Fixes long time bug where program could not print in color if your default printer was set to “black and white” printing only (i.e. you could not switch to color and get the reports to print in color).


  • Advisors with a CFP can now print the Registered Trademark symbol with their name.

For the PERSONAL/COUPLES Editions:

  • Added ability to use files to create multiple scenarios as needed (File New, Open, Save, Save As, Close).  Note that it is still locked to the one name and/or spouse name.

Full list of all current updates and enhancements will be located on our help desk.

If you are just learning about our software, you can find us at www.torrid-tech.com. Also check out our video tutorials and our YouTube channel.

If you have any questions about our software give us a call at 888.333.5095 or email us at support@torrid-tech.com.

Spending Plan to Save for Retirement

Yesterday I saw this great article by Dave Rowan at Investopedia.  Have you seen it?

He is a CFP (Certified Financial Planner) and, from his experience, offers 6 steps to help you develop a plan  to ensure your retirement savings is sufficient.

It’s National Save For Retirement Week

Are you saving for retirement – saving enough or even saving at all?

Check out this article at USA Today by John Shepherd to see if you’re part of the 52%.

Garbage In – Garbage Out

Financial Planner Ian James from Baton Rouge, LA tells how RetirementView has improved his client satisfaction.

Avoid This Virus!

About 10 million Android phones throughout the world have the HummingBad blues, a malicious app that collects our personal information and clicks on ads. Then, and this is the spooky part, it proceeds to sell your information to the guy with the most money. Or Bitcoin.

To find out if you have the evil HummingBad, download a malware scanner like Zone Alarm, Lookout, AVG or Avast.  According to CNet, the only way to remove it is factory reset. Oh, the pain.

Here is what to do:

Back up files. Write down your favorite apps. Then reset. There are several steps to doing a factory reset. Google the information and you’ll find clear instructions.

Now for the rest of your life, don’t download apps from untrusted stores.  Try to download apps from the Google Play store, which has guaranteed vetting process.

I Can Retire Early?

For the average middle class family, early retirement may seem like a laughable dream.
But with a few adjustments to the middle class mindset, you might can actually make it a reality.

Can this actually work? That all depends on so many factors that differ from person to person. Any of these tips will help for sure! If you want to see if any of these tips would impact your personal situation, RetirementView can help you define what will make the most impact. It’s super easy to use – no need to be a financial professional.

Click the link to the right or at the bottom of this page to give the free trial a spin. It’s not time limited and it costs nothing – so what’s the risk?

The only difference in the demo and the full version is that the rates of return are locked in the demo. But if you try it out you can change all the other factors and instantly build your own retirement picture…. watch out for the RED which means you ran out of money.

If you need any help, please give us a call at 888.333.5095.

Silver Anniversary

By Tim Turner

No, I’m not talking about Torrid Tech.  I’m referring to my marriage.  My lovely wife and I celebrated 25 years together in August.  If you are blessed enough to be married this long, you definitely will learn a few lessons that help smooth the ride.  These lessons are not just for marriage but for any relationship that you care about.

Be Forgiving – It’s not easy to do, but being forgiving and not keeping a running list of past wrongs will go a long way to drawing you closer together.  Being able to admit you are wrong on something is an important part of this lesson.

Be Intentional – Your spouse doesn’t always want you to “just wing it” especially when it comes to the relationship.  We have little traditions that show each other we care.  My wife always likes a good card for Valentine’s Day, her Birthday, and our Anniversary to name a few, but I go the extra mile and write my own poem in these cards. Yes, one that I make up myself!  It doesn’t take long but it speaks volumes in intentionally telling her how much I love her in my own words.

Be AvailableIf you aren’t around much because you work and travel all of the time, then it makes it difficult to grow your relationship.  Not impossible, but difficult.  Luckily I have not had to travel too much with my work.  But besides being in town, being available when you are in town is what I’m talking about.  My wife and I have often met for “dates” just for breakfast.  Yes, breakfast out.  It’s not as crowded and it’s less expensive than dinner. Or do lunch.  Every date doesn’t have to be a fancy dinner at an expensive restaurant.  There’s nothing better than meeting over a meal that no one has to cook or clean up for.  We also go on walks together as often as we can, usually every day after dinner.  This gives us time to talk and catch up on what happened in our day while doing something else important – exercising.

Be AdventurousFor our honeymoon 25 years ago I took my wife to France. This was BEFORE the internet.  I had to write letters to hotels to reserve a room and find out the exact prices.  It took a fair amount of planning and work.  But the adventure we had when we went on that trip made it all worthwhile.

25 years later – this summer – we went back to France and had just as much adventure as the first time.  We were able to visit many wineries in the Bordeaux region, as well as castles in the Loire valley.  We were able to go to Giverny to see Monet’s house and gardens, and end up in Paris for several days of site seeing including Versailles, Musee d’Orsay, Les Tuilleries, The Eiffel Tower (of course), and the Louvre.  One fun adventure we had was going to a cooking class where we shopped for the ingredients and then learned how to cook a number of dishes including mussels, coq aux vin, and poached peaches with vanilla ice cream.

Be OpenBy this I mean communicate”.  Don’t keep everything bottled up inside.  As men we typically want to keep our feelings inside and that makes it hard on your spouse.  Being open also means being open to “feedback” on what you can do better and what is going great without getting all bent out of shape about it.

I could write many other lessons I have learned in 25 years of marriage but there just isn’t enough paper in this newsletter!  I’m far from a perfect husband, but my best trait is that I keep on trying to do better. I guess you’d call that focused persistence. Some of these same lessons also apply to your relationship with your clients and customers.  Can you see some similarities?  I hope so, but keep the trips to France with just you and your spouse…

3-Legged Retirement Stool?

If you’re still breathing, you’ve probably had fears, from time to time,  that you will have enough money to retire. Why, despite all our savvy, our laws, tax benefits and employee benefits do we still feel insecure?

According to an article by Dan Kadlec of Money, “The traditional three-legged stool of retirement—Social Security, employer-sponsored benefits, and personal savings—has grown shaky…For many, a fourth leg is being installed on the stool.”

What is that fourth leg? Read more…

Seniors Getting Locked Out of Social Security

Some seniors are being locked out of their Social Security account now for a new reason…they don’t text. Due to a new update in the system, seniors who don’t text may find themselves in a sticky situation if they need to make changes to their Social Security account.

Katie Lobosco writes in money.CNN.com ”

“It’s a security practice most of us are familiar with. When you enter your username and password, a text message with a code is sent to your phone. You then enter that code on the website to get access to your account.

In the case of the Social Security website, a new code is required each time you log in because it expires after 10 minutes. So if you don’t have a cellphone that receives texts, you can no longer log in to your account.”

While it won’t keep you from receiving benefits, it will affect your being able to change account information such as change of address, direct deposit details and requesting a replacement Social Security card.

If you are uncomfortable with the texting features on your phone, your kids and/or grandkids can teach you everything you need to know. 🙂

Read more…

Planning for Retirement at Your First Job

Lou Cardozo of AOL.Finance has some WISE suggestions for recent graduates entering the workforce.

Your likely strapped with college loan and the cost of setting up your new independent life. Saving for retirement is the last thing on your mind…DON’T make that mistake!

Want to score big? Hit the Match Point early in your career?

Read how to save even with heavy expenses…

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