There are some choices you might be making that could be detrimental to your retirement planning and saving. It's always a good time to reevaluate where you stand and it's never to late to make adjustments. offers this list of 9 … [Continue reading]
Are you 28% or 12% sure?
The Employment Benefit Research Institute has just released their 2015 report. Some notable statistics stated in their brief include the following: The percentage of workers confident about having enough money for a comfortable retirement, … [Continue reading]
Inflationary Effects on Seniors
The Inflation rate, as felt by seniors, is greater than that of the population at large. Why? Healthcare! Mark Miller writes: “Healthcare accounts for 13% of expenditures by Americans over age 65,compared with 5% for all other age groups, … [Continue reading]
The 9-Word Rule
You see the Jones family with a new car, a boat in the yard with a fancy new truck to pull it. They might have the dough to afford this or, just as likely, you might be seeing everything they have parked in the driveway. Morgan Housel of the … [Continue reading]
$42K for free? What’s the Catch?
Or as Mark Miller asks in his article- What's the match? According to Financial Engines, an average of $42,885 is left in the table due to not contributing enough to take the full match employers have to offer. Over a 20 year period, the average … [Continue reading]
Summer Safety in the Great Outdoors
For summer boating fun and safety, take along the most important device you'll never need: Your PLB (Personal Location Beacon)… or at least you hope you'll never need. In 2014, about 240 people did need one and, because they had one, they were … [Continue reading]
Who’s Up For A Disney Cruise?
Disney... What does that name mean to you? Mickey Mouse? Trips to Disney World? Animated films? I could write a long list of Disney characters, themes, and movies, but I wanted to share with you another aspect of Disney - some of the business … [Continue reading]
Performance Reviews: More Positive Terms
Boston Consulting Group is changing the way managers evaluate employee performance. • To increase employees' confidence in their work, they recommend focusing on the positive aspects of their performance. They recommend giving frequent praise and … [Continue reading]
When Should I Retire?
You hear many conflicting ideas about when is the best time to retire: As soon as I'm able? On your 62nd birthday and get those early retirement benefits? At the full benefit time- 66-67? Should you just wait till age 70 or later? To … [Continue reading]
What? Retire Earlier?
You hear many conflicting ideas about when is the best time to retire: As soon as I'm able? On your 62nd birthday and get those early retirement benefits? At the full benefit time- 66-67 or should you just wait till age 70 or later? To whom should … [Continue reading]
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