Financial Spring Cleaning

Is your financial picture a cluttered mess? Spring brings a time to attempt some major/minor clean up. suggests the following 7 tips:

Sweep Away Winter Bills

Carrying bills from the past season into the new. Pay off those old Christmas bills so you have better ability to save throughout the remainder of 2015.

Polish Your Budget

Are you meeting your budget? Spending more or less than you planned? Maybe there’s been a life change that has affected your plan. It’s time to make  some adjustments and get the numbers to match up.

Tidy Up Bad Credit

Make payments on time and avoid carrying large balances on your credit cards. Also check your credit reports to see if they contain any errors. Dispute those errors.

Purge Clutter

Shred old paperwork (as a rule of thumb- keep 7 years). If you need to, you can always scan or make a digital copy.

Dust off Unwanted Items

Earning extra money can help pay down debt.

Clean Up Accounts

Consolidate accounts or close unused accounts. Roll over retirement accounts from former employers.

Straighten Out Spending

Spending has never been easier. You can purchase from your phone, now your watch. Ads are everywhere and surfing your favorite sites a way to pass the time. You have to spend less than you make, so find your triggers to spend and monitor those things carefully.

We at Torrid, of course recommend that you continue to update your RetirementView software, watch the green and be encouraged to prepare for your retirement. If you don’t already use it…check it out here:

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