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Ron Iverson's "" website - Ron Iverson, author of several books and articles on retirement, Social Security, Long Term Care, and Medicare, has over 65 articles that are informative and easy-to-read. Ron has over 38 years in the senior insurance market business.

EBRI Annual Retirement Confidence Survey - 28 pages, PDF Format ; This retirement survey was conducted by EBRI - the Employee Benefit Research Institute™. It gives statistics on retirement like "25% of workers have no retirement or other savings at all. 21% of workers have Retirement Savings Only and only 45% have retirement and some type of other savings". And then there is the retirees, where "24% have no savings" of any kind. This report is chock full of facts and figures that show show workers and retirees generally ill-prepared for retirement and related issues.

PBS Video: Can you afford to retire? - Excellent video packed with facts and figures and information. Hard points on how most people will have to work during retirement to maintain their style of living. And how that is not what most people think "retirement" is supposed to be... By definition it has always meant "not working anymore". All we can say is "Ouch!" article: Introducing the Roth 401(k) - We get a lot of questions and inquiries about the new Roth 401(k) plans. Now this article was written in 2005 but it is still a great summary if you know little about these plans and how they will work.

Top 7 Ways Advisors Use Torrid's Software to Generate Leads - If you are an insurance agent or financial advisor or financial planner, this report will give you specific ways to use our software to generate leads. Armed with our program, you can make an offer to do a basic retirement analysis that will send you more prospects then you have time to meet with.

Saving for Your Golden Years: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities - 40 pages, PDF Format ; 2006 National Summit on Retirement Savings; their website. This Summit brought together more than 200 statutory and appointed delegates from state and local governments and professionals working in the field of employee benefits and retirement savings. The Summit's purpose is to find ways to educate and motivate people to develop their own personal retirement saving strategies. Section 2 on the State of Retirement Savings has some interesting facts. Some of the key speakers mentioned or quoted in the report include Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Vice President Dick Cheney, Senator Charles Grassley - Chairman of Senate Finance Committee, Sylvester Schieber VP and US Director of Benefits Counseling for Watson Wyatt Worldwide, Renee Schaaf - VP of Retirement and Investor Services at Principal Financial Group, Lori Lucas - Director of Retirement Research with Hewitt Associates

AXA Equitable International Retirement Scope Survey - 118 pages, PDF Format ; This retirement survey was conducted by AC Nielson by phone. It gives statistics on retirement attitudes of those still working about their future retirement, as well as those already retired. The survey goes into financial, health, work, and many other issues related to retirement. - This useful site has soooooo many articles about 401(k) plans, 401k contribution limits, how to maximize your 401k retirement plan, and related 401(k) information. is just packed with 401(k) news, 401k press releases, authoritative information about 401k plans, and much more. If you have a 401(k) plan, either as a business owner or as an employee saving in a 401k plan, you will find a lot of great 401(k) information on the website.

ING Adviser Survey in Financial Planning Magazine article called "Combating Clients' Fears" by Marshall Eckblad - This article outlines 5 major difficulties that advisers experience with their clients. 90% have trouble getting people to make a decision. 82% see lack of client interest. 81% report consumer fear. 76% have trouble gaining client trust. 72% report problems educating clients. (Sidenote: This is why advisers purchase and use our Retirement Savings Planner software. It bridges the gap between adviser techno-babble and clients desire for information that is "easy-to-understand" and "consumer-friendly"). There are some interesting quotes in the article from Valerie Brown, President of ING Advisor Network here in Atlanta.

Live Long Live Rich Center for Retirement Income

Craig Rappaport's website geared towards helping you generate your retirement income stream. Also features his recent book "Live long live rich".


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Benefits for Members Of...

AICPA American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
AIFA Association of Independent Financial Advisers
CFP® Certified Financial Planner
SCRFA Society of Certified Retirement Financial Advisors
CSA Society of Certified Senior Advisors
FPA Financial Planning Association
IMCA Investment Management Consultants Association
SFSP Society of Financial Service Professionals
SHRM Society of Human Resources Professionals
SMA Senior Market Advisor

If you tried or heard of:

Quicken® Financial Planner (discontinued)
Vanguard® Retirement Planner (discontinued)
Plan Retirement Quick & Easy
RetireReady™ Deluxe
T Rowe Price® Retirement Planner (discontinued)
Microsoft® Money®

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If you tried or heard of:

BetaVest™ Case Management System
Financial Profiles Professional
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Money Tree Easy Money Software
Money Tree Retirement Solutions
Money Tree Golden Years
Money Tree Silver Financial Planner
Retirement Income Navigator™
Brentmark Software RetireNow™
NaviPlan Financial Planning Software
Harvest Time Harvest-Time HarvestTime
Still River RetirementWorks®
Financial Engines

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If you are a member of or heard of:

American Association of Retired Persons
SSA Social Security Administration
NAIC National Association of Investors Corporation
AAA American Automobile Association
1000 Churches Connected

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Do you read or have you heard of: Personal Finance
BusinessWeek Magazine
Forbes Magazine
Fortune Magazine
Investors Business Daily
Kiplinger's Personal Finance
Kiplinger's Retirement Report
Money Magazine
SmartMoney Magazine
Wall Street Journal
Where to Retire Magazine

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If you are a member of or heard of:

AALTCI American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance
AICPA American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
AIFA Association of Independent Financial Advisers
CFP® Certified Financial Planner
SCRFA Society of Certified Retirement Financial Advisors
CSA Society of Certified Senior Advisors
FPA Financial Planning Association
IARFC International Association of Registered Financial Consultants and Registered Financial Consultant RFC designation
IMCA Investment Management Consultants Association
InFRE International Foundation for Retirement Education
MDRT Million Dollar Round Table
NAFCU National Association of Federal Credit Unions
NAIFA National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors
NAILBA National Association of Life Brokerage Agencies
NAPFA National Association of Personal Financial Advisors
SFSP Society of Financial Service Professionals
SHRM Society of Human Resources Professionals
SMA Senior Market Advisor
SIAA Strategic Independent Agents Alliance

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Do you read or have you heard of:
Advising Boomers: The Financial and Lifestyle Resource for Trusted Advisors
Agent's Sales Journal: The How-To Resource for Insurance Producers
American Agent & Broker Magazine: The Publication for Insurance Agency Success
CPA Technology Advisor
Financial Advisor Magazine
Financial Planning Magazine
Fortune Magazine
Insurance Marketing Magazine
Investors Business Daily
Journal of Financial Planning: Expanding the Body of Knowledge in the Financial Planning Profession
Life & Health Magazine
Life Insurance Selling Magazine: The Magazine for Top Life, Health and Financial Services Producers
National Underwriter
Senior Market Advisor Magazine
LTC e-Wire Newsletter: LTCi related tips and info.
Registered Rep Magazine:The Source for Investment Professionals
TechDecisions Magazine: Inspiring Insurance IT Leadsership
Ticker Financial Magazine
Wall Street & Technology Magazine

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