Traditional IRA Contributions - Guide to Modeling IRA Savings Over Time

Most everyone knows you can contribute to either a Traditional IRA or a Roth IRA, but how will that affect YOUR SPECIFIC retirement? On this page we will show you how our software can be used to model the ongoing savings you make to a Traditional IRA or a Roth IRA, as well as how that will affect your retirement income picture. Let's get started.

Tax Year
Regular Contribution Limit
Additional Catch-up Contribution for those 50 & Over

Step 1: In our software we create a new plan for a "John and Sally Sample". John is 46 and makes $65,000 and will contribute the maximum to a Traditional IRA until he retires at age 67. Sally we assume is also 46 and makes $25,000 and will also retire at 67. The maximum John can contribute for the 2005 tax year is $4000. We enter an Annual Contribution to his IRA of $4,000. And we can see that at retirement age 65 he will have accumulated $159,971 assuming he achieved an average annual return of 6%.


Step 2: If he could get a 7% return, then he would have accumulated $179,461.

Step 3: We then flip to the Retirement Income Graph to see how this savings plays out in retirement. If we assume a $65,000 retirement income need at a 3% inflation rate, the accumulated savings only lasts less than 2 years, assuming he also gets a basic Social Security benefit.

Step 4: Let's add a $4,000 annual contribution for his wife Sally and also set her investment return to 6% annually on average. As you can see below they now accumulate $339,432 for their retirement.

Step 5: What if we assume a 7% investment return for Sally's IRA too. Then as you can see below they will accumulate $358,921.

Step 6: We flip back over to the Retirement Income Graph and scroll our mouse to the first red bar we see. That is the first year where they start having "shortfalls" in retirement. As you can see the plan now gets them part way into their 4th year of retirement before they run out of savings.

Step 7: What if they tighten their expense belts and live on less than $65,000 annually during retirement. Since their current income is $90,000 they are already dramatically living on less. If we cut that back to just $50,000, then their income lasts until age 72 instead of age 70.

Step 8 - ROTH IRA EXAMPLE: What if we did the same scenario but instead contributed to a Roth IRA, instead of a Traditional IRA? We will make a simplifying assumption that we are not evaluating the tax deduction, if any, for the Traditional IRA. We are just going to consider the same amount going into a Roth IRA. When you reach age 70.5 you won't have to take out any Required Minimum Distributions, but more importantly the distributions are tax free as long as you are over age 59 ½. Thus, your money should last longer. In this case they will accumulate the same $358,921 but those dollars will be sitting in the Tax-Free investments pool. When we withdraw them in retirement, no taxes will be due! In which case their money lasts until the beginning of age 74.

This excercise shows you:
1). why people are not enamored with IRAs because the contribution limits prevent you from accumulating a substantial retirement nest egg.
2). how easy it is to model very specific IRA illustrations for someone's real situation.

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NOTE: You have until Monday April 15th to make your IRA contribution for the 2013 tax year. If you mail your contribution, it must be postmarked by April 15th on Monday.

See Tim Turner's article in Life Insurance Selling magazine January 2006.

Retirement Income screen shot shows whether you will meet your retirement income goal

FACTOID: If you are say 35 years old and miss this year's $4,000 contribution, at a 6% investment return, that would have been worth $22,974 when you reached 65!!! At a 7% return, it would have grown to $30,449.

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Tax Year
Regular Contribution Limit
Additional Catch-up Contribution for those 50 & Over


Tax Year
Regular Contribution Limit
Additional Catch-up Contribution for those 50 & Over



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